Some would argue, that jewelry is designed for women in mind... not for men. I tend to disagree with that. Although, I have my women's jewelry line, I have the passion for creating masculine statement pieces for men.
I get inspired every day by the look of my husband – by his simple yet elegant style, by the surgical precision in putting together his outfit. Most men care about their looks more than women do. But their secret of looking at their best is not how much stuff they put on but how little.
No man with style overdoes it to achieve perfection. There is a purpose for every little detail – there is a reason behind choosing every accessory.
A man with style can appreciate the simplicity of the accessories he picks because he has the confidence that it is him who is the star and the accessories are just there to stress that confidence.
To solute that confident man, I am designing a new line of men's jewelry that bears simple but effective sterling silver details combined with the bold and luxurious look of genuine leather and gemstones.
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